Undergraduate Resources
Important Documents
Advising Resources
Need assistance?
Our department has major, peer, and lead faculty advisors who assist students with various student services related to the major. This includes, but is not limited to, academic planning, petition review, course selection, career pathway development, and special study progress. For more details and current advising hours, please visit our Advising Information page, or email ent-advise@ucdavis.edu with any questions or concerns.
- Meet the Advising Team
Elvira Galvan Hack
Entomology Major Academic Advisor
eghack@ucdavis.edu | (530) 754-7277 | 160 Hutchison Hall
Michelle Mallari
Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Scheduler
mdmallari@ucdavis.edu | (530) 754-4131 | 150 Hutchison HallBrianna Steele
Entomology Peer Advisor
bcsteele@ucdavis.edu | 150 Hutchinson HallRamiro Lopez
Entomology Peer Advisor
rjlopez@ucdavis.edu | 150 Hutchinson HallLouie Yang
Interim Entomology and Nematology Department Vice-Chair
lhyang@ucdavis.edu | (530) 754-3261 | 380K Briggs HallShahid Siddique, PhD
Entomology Lead Faculty Advisor
ssiddique@ucdavis.edu | 530-754-7659 | 4208 Storer HallJoanna Chiu, PhD
Entomology and Nematology Department Chair
jcchiu@ucdavis.edu | (530) 752-2121 | 367 Briggs Hall
Supporting Undergraduate Student Success
Click each resource to be redirected to the resource or center website!
Aggie Compass
Aggie Compass' mission is to help mitigate the effects of food and housing insecurity on students, while working to change policy, systems, and environment that will affect long term change. Aggie Compass offers resources to help students build financial wellness. Financial wellness is defined as the process of learning how to successfully manage financial expenses. Money plays a critical role in our lives and not having enough of it impacts health as well as academic performance. Financial stress is repeatedly found to be a common source of stress, anxiety, and fear for college students.
The Aggie Compass website details resources for economic crisis services, short-term resources, budgeting help, and other affordable insurance plans. Be sure to check out their website or drop by the East Wing of the Memorial Union Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm for more information!
Academic Assistance and Tutoring Resources
Academic Assistance and Tutoring Centers (AATC) exist to help undergraduate students thrive at UC Davis and beyond. We provide an inclusive and interactive environment where students participate in reinforcing and retaining knowledge in multi-disciplinary writing, math, and science+ through co-curricular academic services provided by both professional staff and peer tutors. We strive to support students in developing the academic competence and confidence that will empower them to succeed at UC Davis.
AATC offers tutoring in Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Math, Physics, Statistics, and Writing. For more information about where tutoring is offered, see the Academic Assistance and Tutoring website. For students living in the residence halls, the Residential Academic Centers are available as well!
Student Employment and Internship Resources
The Internship and Career Center (ICC) supports students in finding experiential learning opportunities and career exploration. Students can receive one-on-one advising for on-campus jobs, internships, research, and full-time opportunities. The center offers resume and cover letter review, interviewing prep, and career exploration in the form of drop in appointments, career advising appointments, and workshops. To learn more about the ICC and its resources, please visit the Internship and Career Center website or visit the center on the 2nd floor of South Hall Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm.
On-campus student jobs can be found on the Handshake website when you log in with your UC Davis ID.
Tip: Type 'STDT' in the search box on Handshake to find all available student jobs.
Women's Resources and Research Center
The WRRC's mission is to promote gender equity and social justice. We provide a place for students and the Davis community to learn about resources and to attend educational programs that focus on gender equity and social justice.
It is a great place to meet friends and get involved with on-campus events and student organizations working to address sexism, cissexism, and all forms of oppression. The WRRC provides opportunities for students to take part in making UC Davis safer and more inclusive for everyone, specifically for people with marginalized gender identities, including, but not limited to: womxn, transgender, nonbinary, and gender expansive individuals.
Office Hours: First Floor, North Hall; Monday-Thursday, 9am-5pm, Friday, 9am-4pm
Cross Cultural Center
Our mission at the Cross Cultural Center (CCC) at UC Davis is to work towards a more just and liberated world. We create compassionate community spaces that foster identity development, critical consciousness, and collective innovation.
As a cultural center, the following six values guide our work: Advocacy, Cultural Competency, Community Building, Education Excellence, Identity Exploration, and Leadership Development.
Office Hours: 1st Floor of the Student Community Center; Monday-Thursday 10am-8pm, Friday 9am-5pm
Student Disability Resources
The Student Disability Center (SDC) is staffed by team of professionals who have expertise in the education of students with disabilities. Student Disability Center Specialists approve services and coordinate accommodations to ensure equal access to the University’s educational programs. While accommodation information is shared on a “need to know” basis in order to facilitate services, disability information kept confidential and does not appear on transcripts or diplomas.
For more information about how to request accommodations, check out the SDC website or reach out to the center:
Main Office @ 54 Cowell Building, 425 California Avenue, Monday–Friday, 9am-noon & 1-4pm
By phone 530-752-3184, Monday-Friday 8am-noon & 1-5pm
Student Disability Drop-in Center, Memorial Union, Monday–Friday, 9am-5pm
By email sdc@ucdavis.edu