
Majoring in Entomology

The Entomology major is a general biological science program. The curriculum is designed to develop an understanding of fundamental biological concepts by studying insects. Insects offer unique opportunities to study biological systems and are model experimental animals. Many insects are either pests, or beneficial species that have great importance to the economy, environment or public health. Students may focus on specific areas of interest including agricultural entomology, insect systematics and evolution; behavior and ecology; medical entomology; and insect molecular biology, physiology and toxicology

The Program

Students begin their study in entomology with selected insect biology courses. After completing these courses, students may enroll in courses in their particular area of interest. The Entomology Faculty encourages students to do research internships in their laboratories.  

Career Goals & Opportunities

Entomology graduates find careers in many different areas of applied or basic biology. Graduates have the opportunity to continue in professional graduate programs such as veterinary or human medicine, or get advanced degrees leading to careers in biotechnology, conservation biology, or academic teaching and research. Many graduates have participated in internship programs with the California Department of Food and Agriculture and found careers in insect diagnostic laboratories, conducting insect surveys, and/or developing entomological collections. Other graduates have worked in agriculture in the area of insect pest management. Graduates are prepared for managerial and technical positions with state and federal agencies and in agricultural production and supporting industries. Some entomology graduates pursue careers in primary, secondary, and college level science education.