Artificial Intelligence and Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Management

Plant pathologist and nematologist Jiue-in Yang, UC Riverside assistant professor of nematology, will speak on "Artificial Intelligence and Biological Control for Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Management" at the next UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology (ENT) seminar, set for 4:10 p.m., Monday, Jan. 27 in Room 122 Briggs Hall.

The Zoom link is

Howard Ferris

  • Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Dr. Ferris' research interests include: Soil ecology; decomposition and nutrient cycling; contribution of nematodes to the structure and function of the soil food web. Population biology and population assessment of soil nematodes; integrated pest management.

Harry K. Kaya

  • Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Dr. Kaya's research interests include: Utilization of nematodes for biological control of insect pests; interaction between nematodes and other biological control agents; general insect pathology (protozoan, viral and fungal diseases of insects).

Shahid Siddique

  • Associate Professor of Entomology and Nematology
Research in the Siddique lab focuses on basic as well as applied aspects of interaction between parasitic nematodes and their host plants. The long-term object of our research is not only to enhance our understanding of molecular aspects of plant–nematode interaction but also to use this knowledge to provide new resources for reducing the impact of nematodes on crop plants in California.
4208 Storer Hall

Steven A. Nadler

  • Distinguished Professor of Nematology
Research in my laboratory focuses on evolutionary questions such as phylogenetics, biodiversity, morphological change, and certain aspects of disease ecology. Most of my research questions focus on nematodes, including both parasites and freeliving species. Current projects include characterizing the biodiversity of soil nematodes using metagenetics, and using multilocus methods to investigate the species-level systematics of parasitic roundworms of mammals.

Ed P. Caswell-Chen

  • Professor Emeritus
My research interests are in integrated pest management and ecology of nematodes in agroecosystems. The research in my laboratory is focused on plant-parasitic nematode management, especially with respect to alternative management strategies as supplements to rotations and nematicide applications for use in sustainable agricultural production systems. We also conduct research on the ecology of aging in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. This research involves a demographic approach to aging, including investigating the natural ecology of the nematode, and how its life history features are reflective of its ecology.